The most common cause of yellowing and brittle nails is a fungal infection. Current statistics show that over 35 million Americans have fungal nail infections. Nail Fungus laser treatment offers a new alternative to oral medication, which carries a risk of liver damage, and a nail lacquer, which has poor efficacy.
How Laser Toenail Fungus Treatment Works
When undergoing a laser toenail fungus treatment, the physician will apply a directed focused light source on to a toe that is infected. The laser toenail fungus treatment will target the fungal infection in the toenail and the area below called the toenail matrix. Laser toenail fungus treatment will destroy the fungal infection and should be relatively painless because the toenail is dead cells. The specific wavelength of the laser toenail fungus treatment targets only the living fungi. Laser toenail fungus treatment is not a cure. A fungal infection is fungus living in cracks and pores of your toenail. If a lifestyle change is not made (throw your old shoes out) the fungi will return to the nails. Therefore, laser toenail fungal treatment is part of an overall protocol which a physician will prescribe. This could include topical medicine or changes to your lifestyle.
How Does The Nail Fungus Laser Work?
A laser works by shining a laser beam into an infected nail. Fungus is eradicated with heat generated by the laser. The laser penetrates the toenail and vaporizes fungus embedded in the nail bed and nail plate where toenail fungus exists.
How Soon Will I See Improvement to My Nails After Treatment with A Laser?
A nail will replace itself every 6 to 9 months through natural growth. Healthy new growth will be visible within the first 3 months as the nail replaces the old.
Is Nail Fungus Contagious?
Yes, it can be. The organisms can sometimes spread from one person to another because these critters can live where the air is often moist and people’s feet are bare. This can happen in places like shower stalls, bathrooms, or locker rooms or it can be passed around on a nail file or emery board. So, don’t share them. Nail fungus may also spread from one of your nails to other nails.
If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (727) 518-1000.